Provider practices use and generate substantial quantities of data. We help you turn that data into useable information.
The practice management systems come with hundreds of standard reports. To those we have numerous proprietary reports that are only available to our clients. Just a few examples include:
- Providing patient balance and copay information linked to scheduling to support in office over the counter collections.
- Tracking and trending payer line code denials and adjustments.
- Assisting with practice market analysis, such as looking at referral sources or zip code distribution of patients.
- Providing time-based trends with associated graphs for charges, payments, volumes and RVUs.
- Supporting traditional accounting functions such as information for bank account reconciliation.
Most reports include a number of parameters, so you can quickly narrow in on the information required.
Our reporting tools have substantial flexibility in terms of how you can see and store your information. Alternatives include saving reports as electronic files in PDF format or even exporting data to Microsoft Excel for additional analysis and presentation.
While we have hundreds of reports available, most providers will only need a small portion of those. Our objective is to be ready to provide you information when and where you need it. The system includes a practice dashboard that can be used to track and trend critical practice data.
We also provide a security structure around reports so that the practice has control over who can access information. For example, the front desk staff may need access to appointment listings, but they may not need access to the practice’s overall revenue and collections.